Chatura Advisory - Accounting Tax

Our Clients Testimony

Since forming PT Solusi Baru Abadi in 2015 Chatura have supported us with their financial and legal services. As foreign investors we require advice and support in all areas of our business so that can feel confident we are adhering to Indonesian regulations and custom.

Chatura’s service has been delivered to us at a high level of competence, with respect and a personal touch. From high level advice to the directors, to training our staff in accountancy issues and always being available to us, Chatura have been an outstanding and important partner in our business pursuits in Indonesia.

Eddie Morgan
Director of PT Solusi Baru Abadi

I highly recommend Dyna Agustina and the entire team at Chatura for their exceptional work in helping me build my company in Indonesia. We have worked together for nearly two years, and they have always provided me with a level of service that has exceeded my expectations and goes well above and beyond the required level of support to make sure our company's tax and HR matters are handled in the most professional and efficient manner possible. Dyna and her team have been my reliable partners since our first day working in Indonesia, and I have only the highest regard for their office on both a professional and personal level. I would recommend them without hesitation to anyone seeking professional partners with an outstanding track record at making the right decisions at the right time and ensuring day-to-day business operations are handled with attention and care to detail.

Michael Dye
CEO of Dye Global Immigration Pte Ltd

We’ve been working with Chatura since 2014 for our accounting and overall corporate compliancy. Being able to focus on growing our company from start-up to an industrial player, instead of dealing with maintaining company compliance in what was for me a new and marshy environment was tremendously helpful. And doing all that with professional and friendly people was just the Chatura on the cake!

Nicolas Stirer
MD of GREE Energy Limited